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Argynnis ruslana

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

English Common Name: None

Japanese Name (Katakana): オオウラギンスジヒョウモン

Pronunciation: Ooura-ginsuji-hyoumon

Size: Wingspan of 60 - 75 mm

Special ID Features: Very similar to Argynnis laodice and Argynnis sagan. Can be distinguished by: 1) three lines that resemble "三" on the inside part of the forewing (Argynnis sagan does not have this), 2) Two black dots on the center of the upper side of hindwing that are connected, forming one line (Argynnis sagan does not have this), 3) A pointer tip (or apex) of its forewing than Argynnis laodice.

More About This Species: Can be found on Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu from June - October. Habitats range from the hillside to the mountains. Species in the genus Argynnis (in addition to several other genera) are often called fritillaries, which refer to butterflies with orange wings with black spots.


Title: 日本の昆虫1400 (1) チョウ・バッタ・セミ (ポケット図鑑)  (Nihon no Konchu 1400 (1) Chou, Batta, Semi (Poketto Zukan))

Authors: 高井 幹夫, 奥山 清市, 長島 聖大, 井村 仁平, 槐 真史, 伊丹市昆虫館

Publishing Date and Publisher: (2013/4/15), 文一総合出版

Language: Japanese

Photograph: Taiga Araki

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